Way back to our very first Christmas when Daniel and I were dating, we have hunted for a wild Christmas tree! A great deal of thought, planning, bundling up, and a whole day of driving to our favorite spot go into getting the perfect tree! The price of the tag is unbeatable at $5! I have done the tree hunt pregnant with both Katelynn and Benjamin! Mckay and Chelsea have had the chance to be included in this crazy Bell family tradition. We usually take a sled, a saw, some rope, and hot (warm once we get to it) apple cider for the ride home! It is a long cold day, but a lot of fun! Yes, Christmas tree hunting in Oregon is an unforgettable experience! Once or twice we have skipped this step and bought a tree, like the year we bought our home and got in it too late for Christmas, but it wasn't the same! Here are some photo's from our last excursion 2007!
Daniel makes sure the camera is working with this self portrait! Love that dimple! Anna hugs a tree!
Katie makes a snow angel and gets wet and cold! Grammy bought these pink snow suits for the girls to keep them warm! How sweet! Daniel finally chooses the perfect tree, He is very choosy!
Anna models with some chocolate and our tree all decorated with love! And the final product, ooooh, how pretty!